To update your graphics driver, here are two safe ways for you: We’d recommend you check for the driver update regularly, which can not only prevent gaming problems but also help you enjoy a smooth playful experience. The Battlefield 5 not launching issue may occur if you’re using a faulty graphics driver or it’s out-of-date. Is the game working normally now? Or is it still unplayable? If the latter, try the next fix below. Once you’ve located Dx12Enabled, change the value from 1 to 0.Press Ctrl and F on your keyboard to open the search box.Select Notepad or other similar editing tools.Right-click the PROSAVE_profile file and click Open with.Then, double-click the Battlefield V folder. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and E at the same time to open File Explorer.To see if that’s the case, you can run the game on DirectX 11 via the following steps. Many players report Battlefield 5 won’t launch when DX12 is enabled. Relaunch BFV to check if the not launching problem goes away. Then, check Run this program as an administrator and click OK.

Then, tick Run this program as an administrator and click OK. Then, right-click the bfv.exe file and click Properties. Go to the installation folder of Battlefield 5, which is usually located in C:/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/Battlefield V.Running Battlefield 5 and the Origin client as an administrator will ensure they get the necessary permissions to launch properly. Fix 1 – Run Battlefield 5 and Origin as administrator Before you perform the troubleshooting steps below, please make sure your gaming rig satisfies the minimum requirements to play Battlefield 5.