Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14-17ģ You bring human beings to the dust, by saying, 'Return, children of Adam.'Ĥ A thousand years are to you like a yesterday which has passed, like a watch of the night.ĥ You flood them with sleep - in the morning they will be like growing grass:Ħ in the morning it is blossoming and growing, by evening it is withered and dry.ġ2 Teach us to count up the days that are ours, and we shall come to the heart of wisdom.ġ3 Come back, Yahweh! How long must we wait? Take pity on your servants.ġ4 Each morning fill us with your faithful love, we shall sing and be happy all our days ġ5 let our joy be as long as the time that you afflicted us, the years when we experienced disaster.ġ6 Show your servants the deeds you do, let their children enjoy your splendour!ġ7 May the sweetness of the Lord be upon us, to confirm the work we have done! 13 'What human being indeed can know the intentions of God? And who can comprehend the will of the Lord?ġ4 For the reasoning of mortals is inadequate, our attitudes of mind unstable ġ5 for a perishable body presses down the soul, and this tent of clay weighs down the mind with its many cares.ġ6 It is hard enough for us to work out what is on earth, laborious to know what lies within our reach who, then, can discover what is in the heavens?ġ7 And who could ever have known your will, had you not given Wisdom and sent your holy Spirit from above?ġ8 Thus have the paths of those on earth been straightened and people have been taught what pleases you, and have been saved, by Wisdom.'