The block could now be hiding the rectangle behind it depending on the view selected. You didn't say how the 3D object was created so I'm thinking that you extruded a smart rectangle meaning that you now have the original rectangle and a 3D block. It would be helpful if you posted your drawing for us to look at, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.

Quote from: mitchb on September 07, 2012, 02:21:58 PM Hi Blomsson There might be other problems also that I don't remember at the moment! To my knowledge and the testing I have made it doesn't seam to matter if I am using the selection tool or any of the copying tools in the toolbar! It's even stranger when I deal with surfaces! The same problem as above applies but the object disappears from view but I can find it if I draw a fence around where I think it should be, but I can never actually see the object itself! Sometimes it's the original object that disappears and sometimes it's the copy that disappears. So it's very difficult to know what I am doing! I can chance the active object while clicking on it but the highlight always show the objects as one entity. When I draw a fence around it it states two objects. When I create an object in 3D the new object and the original gets highlighted but the "edit object box" says one object selected. The new rectangle becomes selected and in the "edit object box" it says one object selected. If I draw an object, lets say a rectangle in 2D, and make a copy of it. I am having problems with the visualization of objects when the object is selected.